Texas Ted’s Munchimals are on the Loose Placemat Add-On
Texas Ted’s Munchimals are on the Loose Placemat Add-On. You can utilize our system with multiple children by adding extra placemats so each child can embark on their own nutritious…
Texas Ted’s Munchimals Are On The Loose Interactive Nutritional Game Kit
Follow Texas Ted on his adventure to track down his missing farm animals, who were lead out to pasture by his meddling nemesis, Hiccup Hippo. From Peach Pigs to Melon…
Polly Parrot and The Super Scavenger Hunt Placemat Add-On
Polly Parrot and the Super Scavenger Hunt Placemat Add-On. You can utilize our system with multiple children by adding extra placemats so each child can embark on their own nutritious…
Polly Parrot & The Super Scavenger Hunt Interactive Nutritional Game Kit
Polly Parrot is hosting a party! All is well until the not-so-friendly Vlad the Vulture shows up and attempts to steal the yummy fruit Polly has set out for her…
Race to Melon Mountain Placemat Add-On
Race to Melon Mountain Placemat Add-On. You can utilize our system with multiple children by adding extra placemats so each child can embark on their own nutritious adventure.
Race to Melon Mountain Interactive Nutritional Game Kit
One of the fastest, but also most greedy racer in the world, Dangersaurus Rex is in town and has challenged Hot Dog Puppy to a race. Hot Dog Puppy is…